
At Nichepharm, supreme importance is laid on maintaining the highest standards of Environment, Health and Safety. We follow a zero-tolerance policy for anything and everything which may compromise safety of our people and do any harm to the environment. We actively seek to minimize and manage the environmental impact of all our operations and offerings through responsible business practices.

Nichepharm is committed to:

Protecting the environment by maintaining clean, safe & healthy work environment

Solar Panel

Ensuring consistent compliance with existing environmental regulations

Abides by occupational health and safety standards

Industry Standards

As our commitment to adhere to best industry standards in Environment, Health and Safety, we have identified following objectives to comply with in first year of establishment:

Key Processes which are in place to achieve the objectives are:

  • Effluent treatment plant
  • Rain water harvesting system
  • Solar panels
  • Biomass fuel boilers
  • Recirculation of waste treated water for ancillary
  • Fire Hydrants and sprinklers
  • Safety trainings and surveillance